Dessert Theatre Tickets on Sale

With the weather getting (slightly) warmer, it is time for the tickets for Holy Redeemer’s Dessert Theatre to go on sale.

“This is an annual tradition dating back to 2004,” says Drama Teacher Peter Taylor. “Since 2004, our Drama Program has produced dozens of high calibre shows thanks to immense talent that we have at HRH. And this year will be no different.”

Three one-act plays are set to perform at this year’s Dessert Theatre, which is scheduled for April 11th and 12th at HRH. The first show is one of the senior high plays entitled Afterwards. It tells the story of a boy and girl who awake in a field, and although they recognize one another, they struggle to know who they are and how they go there. It is a tradition at HRH that the senior high plays are directed by grade 12 students, however this year marks the first time where a show will be directed by a grade 11 student, Christina B. “I’m really excited,” says Christina. “The cast and crew have been working really hard and I can’t wait to see what the audience thinks.”

The second senior high play is a comedy entitled Cuffed, which is directed by grade 12 student Camryn L. In Cuffed, a civil servant in Washington is intentionally handcuffed to a post where he meets a crazy cast of characters who do the craziest things. “We have been having so much,” says Camryn. “The cast has been working so hard to find creative ways to be funny.”

The final play is the junior high play, entitled Caution: Politricks. In this story, what starts off as an innocent disagreement between girls turns into an “us versus them” mentality of two groups of people who are bent on being right. “We believe this show is so relevant in today’s world,” says Taylor. “We always strive to try different things, and this show certainly fits the bill.”

Tickets for the Dessert Theatre are $10 each and are available at the Holy Redeemer Office.

Of course, the Dessert Theatre would not be the same without some delicious desserts that will be made available at the door and will be $2 each.

A few weeks after the Dessert Theatre, all three plays will compete in the Zone Drama Festival. Both the junior and senior high festivals are to be in Barrhead.

As the 42 grade 7 to 12 students who are taking part in the shows continue to rehearse, you can bet they are looking forward to seeing two fantastic audiences in April.